Sunday, September 18, 2011

Audi RS5

Audi RS5
Audi RS5

Audi RS5
Audi RS5
Audi RS5
Audi RS5
Audi is presenting at the IAA for the first time the newly revamped A5 model family live to the public – with one exception, because of all the family patriarch, the RS5 bears still have the old face. Exactly when the power-Coupe ultimately comes under the knife is not yet known. As the patient might look like after the surgery, shows the rendering of theophil uschin .

Why exactly the RS5 not yet the new design was adapted A5, Audi has not yet been betrayed.Presumably, it depends entirely on the relatively short duration of the model. Finally there is the strong leader of the 450PS A5 Familei only been about a year. Since it would obviously be a bitter disappointment for existing customers when their cars already belongs to one year to the scrap heap – if only visually.

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